About Us

Funded by America's 26,000-plus dairy farm families and dairy importers, the checkoff aims to build trust and demand. The national checkoff program is directed and managed by Dairy Management Inc., working in collaboration with a federation of state and regional dairy promotion organizations.


For every 100 pounds of milk sold, dairy farmers pay 15 cents toward the checkoff to fund promotion and research efforts. In addition, dairy importers pay 7.5 cents per hundredweight imported (or equivalent thereof) into the checkoff. This money β€” under the oversight of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the guidance of a board of directors composed of farmers and importers β€” funds programs that drive dairy consumption and protect the image of dairy farmers, their products and the industry.

DMI receives funding through the National Dairy Promotion and Research Board (NDB) and the United Dairy Industry Association (UDIA). NDB was established by the USDA under the Dairy Production Stabilization Act of 1983. The 37-member board carries out coordinated promotion, research, and education programs to build demand for and expand domestic and international markets for dairy.

UDIA is a federation of state and regional farmer-funded promotion organizations that provides marketing programs developed and implemented in coordination with its members. UDIA is overseen by a board of 41 dairy farmers elected by their member organizations' respective boards.

History of the Dairy Checkoff

Explore the history and evolution of the dairy checkoff, from the formation of the National Dairy Council in 1915 to its current state.

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Board Leadership

Our board of directors, comprised of dairy farmers and a dairy importer representative, guides and directs the work of the dairy checkoff.

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With talented, experienced staff, the dairy checkoff is well-equipped to work on behalf of America's dairy farmers and those that import dairy into the United States to build trust and sales.

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