Research & Innovation

Competition within the food and beverage category is fierce, and consumers — 50% of whom prioritize health and wellness1 — want trendy, innovative food experiences. Your dairy checkoff has formed strategic partnerships with colleges and universities, scientists, technology experts and research institutions to develop new products to meet demand. 

1. Callaghan, Shaun et al. "Still feeling good: The US wellness market continues to boom." McKinsey & Company, September 19, 2022.


Meeting Consumer Needs Both Today & Tomorrow

By identifying opportunities and partnering with leading researchers, your dairy checkoff is working to keep dairy products relevant in today's marketplace while readying the industry for tomorrow.

Innovation in The Beverage Category

In 2023, checkoff-led consumer research identified four key areas in the beverage sector where real milk can win today and only has a modest percent of sales — mental health and wellness, functional health, special treat and routine/daily treat — with a total sales potential for dairy in beverages valued at $100 billion. This groundbreaking research has laid the foundation for dairy entrepreneurs to further tap into the ever-expanding beverage industry.

Rodney Elliott

"Checkoff hasn't rested on its laurels. We're innovators; we've got to continue to look for other ways to put our product into the things people consume."

-Rodney Elliott, Drumgoon Dairy (South Dakota)

Your Checkoff At Work



Value-added Milk Segment Growth, 2017-2021


New Dairy-based Products Launched in 2023


Local Checkoff Spotlight: The Dairy Alliance

The Dairy Alliance scouts and supports high-potential dairy startups within their region to attract investment in innovative dairy products that are relevant to today’s consumers. This program was launched in 2024 and The Dairy Alliance is currently working with two companies on five new products with plans to be in market this year.

Frequently Asked Questions

How critical are science and research to the checkoff mission?

Dairy farmers have long committed to investing in nutrition, product development and environmental science through their checkoff. Research and science are foundational to everything the checkoff does. These are the building blocks to ensure the checkoff is future-ready and that its unified marketing plan delivers results now and far into the future. Through their checkoff, farmers and importers direct these investments on behalf of the entire category.

What emerging areas is the checkoff exploring in the health and wellness space?

There are some exciting breakthroughs in health and wellness, including discoveries about dairy’s role in a child's first 1,000 days of life, from prenatal to two years old. Studies show that seven of 14 nutrients critically important to early brain development are found in dairy. The state and regional checkoff network shared this research with 35,000 pediatricians and pediatric caregivers across the country to reinforce dairy’s importance in early childhood development. The checkoff also shares important dairy-focused research findings such as these with other leading organizations consumers trust, including the National Medical Association.