
Seventy-seven percent of Americans believe significant progress is required regarding sustainability and climate change,1 and 98% of companies on the S&P 500 published a sustainability report in 2022.2 This underscores the importance of your dairy checkoff's efforts to highlight dairy farmers' commitment to environmental stewardship through research, innovation and collaboration. Consumers and customers increasingly seek products aligned with their values, and U.S. dairy's sustainability efforts deserve recognition.

1."U.S. Monitor: Q1 2023." Kantar US, 2023.

2."New Research Shows Mid-Cap U.S. Public Companies Closing Sustainability Reporting Gap in 2022." Governance & Accountability Institute, 2023.


Dairy Farmers Care For The Earth And Its Resources

Dairy farmers are committed to caring for the earth and its resources, delivering a sustainable and responsibly grown product. Your checkoff is working on farmers' behalf to measure and communicate dairy's strong sustainability record while building trust with consumers concerned about the environment.

Research To Set The Record Straight

With increased consumer focus on agriculture — and the dairy industry in particular — it is crucial to address the knowledge gap and combat misinformation. Inaccurate information can lead to skepticism and misconceptions about dairy's sustainability efforts.

The dairy checkoff is a leader in this area, continuously funding cutting-edge scientific research to gather factual data to share with consumers and customers. This research is also helping farms make informed decisions.  

In 2008, U.S. dairy was the first food agriculture sector to commission a life-cycle assessment at a national level on fluid milk. This assessment estimated that dairy accounts for about 2% of total GHG emissions in the U.S. — far lower than a global report from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization had suggested. An updated life-cycle assessment will be released in 2025.

In fact, due to innovative practices in cow health, improved feed and genetics, and modern management practices, the environmental impact of producing a gallon of milk in 2017 has shrunk significantly from 2007, requiring 30% less water, 21% less land and a 19% smaller carbon footprint. 

Your dairy checkoff uses this and other impactful data alongside personal stories to communicate farmers’ commitment to the earth and its resources with consumers.

Source: Fluid Milk Life Cycle Assessment, 2008.

Source: Capper, Judith L. and Roger A. Cady. "The effects of improved performance in the U.S. dairy cattle industry on environmental impacts between 2007 and 2017." National Institutes of Health, 2000.

John Carter

"Sustainability is really important to consumers. The checkoff is a bridge to tell our sustainability story."

-John Carter, Carter Dairy Farm (Indiana)

Your Checkoff At Work



Investment From Food Industry Leaders in 2023 to Support Research and Sustainability Efforts

Source: Dairy Management Inc.


Farmers and Farm Advisors Empowered to Pursue Sustainability Action in 2023

Source: Dairy Management Inc.

Local Checkoff Spotlight: Florida Dairy Farmers

Florida Dairy Farmers proactively communicates to consumers through social media storytelling and digital channels featuring videos and graphics that highlight the Sunshine State’s on-farm sustainability projects. Floridians are very connected to the environment with weather and outdoor activities being one of the main reasons the state is growing by 1,200 people per day. Florida Dairy Farmers recognized the need for communication pieces that explain how dairy not only mitigates their environmental impact, but acts as part of the solution by providing sustainable energy sources like power and natural gas for local residents. This sustainability messaging has reached more than 3 million consumers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the dairy checkoff involved in sustainability?

Over the past few decades, it has become increasingly clear that the U.S. dairy industry must assert its commitment to environmental sustainability in order to maintain the confidence of consumers and customers. 

By U.S. dairy demonstrating its commitment to environmental sustainability, we are building trust in and sales of our products and ingredients. The checkoff’s work supports farmers by providing the tools they need to adapt to an ever-changing marketplace and sharing important science-based research as evidence of everything farmers are doing to care for the earth and its resources. It also convenes relevant stakeholders across the entire dairy value chain — from farmers to processors to retail partners — to more thoroughly and effectively highlight dairy's sustainability narrative.

Is sustainability really top of mind for consumers when purchasing dairy products?

In today's marketplace, processors, retailers and other businesses seek to strengthen their sustainability stories to meet consumer demands. Research shows that 83% of consumers say a company’s sustainability performance impacts their purchase decision. It's a clear message that any industry or company that wants to maintain loyalty and trust must offer proof points that their products are made in a responsible way consumers can feel good about.

Source: Global-Voices-Sustainability.pdf ESW, 2023.

Top 10 Farmer Sustainability Questions

What are ways that the dairy checkoff is sharing our sustainability story?

To combat misinformation and establish trust, the dairy checkoff is using a mix of storytelling, science, and data-driven messaging to communicate the dairy industry's sustainability accomplishments. See Dairy Differently is one campaign led by the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy (IC) that connects thought leaders and consumers by showcasing the industry's dedication to responsible production. The IC also amplifies this campaign and other messaging to the broader community and thought leaders through its LinkedIn channel. Furthermore, the checkoff is spreading the message of dairy's sustainability to a wider audience through strategic placements in reputable publications such as TIME Magazine, USA Today and others.

How does the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy play a role in advancing industry-wide sustainability efforts?

The Innovation Center is a voluntary organization developed by farmers through their checkoff that works across the dairy value chain to foster collaboration and progress to build a healthy and sustainable future for all. Its sustainability efforts include equipping farmers, processors and other industry partners with resources; issuing a Dairy Sustainability Report; and convening a Sustainability Alliance that is tasked with improving, measuring and communicating dairy’s role in a sustainable food system.

For additional questions about sustainability, click here