Share of U.S. Households that Purchase Dairy
Source: Circana
Americans make an average of 227 food choices every day1 — a stunning indicator of the diverse tastes and options available in today's nutritional landscape. Meanwhile, digital media has fundamentally changed how people find information and make purchasing decisions. Fortunately, your dairy checkoff has a targeted, strategic approach to reaching consumers.
1.Wansink, Brian and Jeffery Sobal. "Mindless Eating: The 200 Daily Food Decisions We Overlook." Environment and Behavior, 2007.
In order to grow demand for dairy products, your dairy checkoff focuses on two key objectives:
The media landscape looks far different than it did 20, 10 or even five years ago; today, your dairy checkoff reaches consumers of all ages through a variety of channels, providing them with health and nutrition information as well as inspiration for enjoying dairy in their daily lives. Paid advertising takes place digitally through social media, streaming services, online gaming, grocery apps and more. The checkoff has also engaged a group of popular online influencers, collectively called the Dairy Dream Team, to share recipes and facts about dairy production directly with their followers.
Gen Z's spending power exceeds $100 billion, making it imperative for the dairy industry to find ways to connect with this emerging demographic. Your dairy checkoff's strategy is built around reaching key audiences — including young adults and parents with children under age five — with messaging that aligns with their values, including social impact and health benefits. These efforts are critical to growing demand and keeping dairy top of mind with consumers.
-Crystal Grimaldi, Ideal Dairy (New York)
Share of U.S. Households that Purchase Dairy
Source: Circana
Video Views Earned by Dairy Dream Team Influencers
Value-added Milk Segment Growth, 2017-2021
Source: Circana
American Dairy Association North East uses e-commerce platforms to drive dairy sales through informational messaging for dairy products. These messages focus on cross-merchandising, nutritional benefits and dairy-centric campaigns. The advertising focused on different dairy products throughout the year such as lactose-free milk, smoothies and cheese. In one year, this campaign generated nearly $4.5 million in dairy sales with the ads being seen more than 22 million times.
Today's media landscape looks far different than it did a generation ago. Your dairy checkoff reaches key audiences where they are most active through social media, digital marketing, streaming services and more. We are also focused on talking with consumers, not at them, by delivering relevant content and engaging in meaningful conversations about important topics like health and nutrition, cow care, and sustainability.
Since 2021, the Undeniably Dairy campaign has partnered with some exceptional online influencers, each with their own unique voice and passionate connection to dairy. This Dairy Dream Team isn’t just talking cottage cheese, ice cream and cheese boards; they’re diving deep into the nutritional superpowers of dairy and showcasing its role in active lifestyles through delicious everyday recipes. They also champion the story behind every glass of milk — the hard-working farmers, the cows they care for, and the sustainable practices that make dairy more than just a beverage; it’s a responsible choice.
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