Logging In Overview

This section provides the Kentico CMS URL and explains how to log in to Kentico, configure your Dashboard, and change your user password.


Please use the following link to access the Kentico Content Management System (CMS): 

This is the production environment URL, where all the content updates are intended to be applied.

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How to Log In to the CMS 

The CMS URL will take you to the Kentico login screen and is where you will enter your username and password to access the program. 

To Login: 

  1. Navigate to the CMS URL 
  2. Enter your username in the Username field 
  3. Enter your password in the Password field 
  4. Click the Sign in button

Once you are logged in, you will be taken directly to what is called your Kentico Dashboard. Navigate to the section below to learn how to manage your dashboard.

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How to Change User Password

  1. Click the Person Icon in the upper right corner
  2. Select your user name from the drop down. This will open up the Change Password view. 
  3. Click Change Password on the left side menu.
  4. Enter your existing password in the Your existing password field
  5. Enter your new password in the New password field 
  6. Enter your new password again in the Confirm password field 
  7. Click Set password to save
  8. To return to your dashboard, click the Home icon (the house symbol) in the upper left corner

NOTE: If you do not remember your existing password, you will need to reset your password. Click here to learn how to reset your password. 

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How to Reset A Forgotten Password

  1. Navigate to the CMS URL 
  2. Click the Forgotten Password link that is located beneath the "Sign in" button 
  3. Enter your email in the Email field
  4. Click Reset Password
  5. The CMS will send you an email with a password recovery link. Follow the steps in the email to reset your password. 

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