Hear from Pennsylvania dairy farmer and Dairy Management Inc. Chair Marilyn Hershey and Missouri dairy farmer and National Dairy Board Chair Alex Peterson discuss the 2022 checkoff’s dairy promotion highlights including gaming advertising to Gen Z, exports, new retail and restaurant partners, new health and wellness collaborations, sustainability alliances and much more.
To learn more about the national dairy checkoff and your local dairy checkoffs, please visit www.usdairy.com.
Dairy Farmer Hosts:
Farmer Host – Marilyn Hershey, Pennsylvania dairy farmer and DMI Chair
Farmer Host – Alex Peterson, Missouri dairy farmer and NDB Chair
Interviewer – Scott Wallin, Vice President of Industry Media Relations and Issues Management, DMI
Transcript below is machine-generated. Please ignore typos.
Marilyn Hershey 0:00
What jumped out at me was 80% of the chicken sandwiches across the country do not have cheese. That’s a huge opportunity for us and so choosing a partner like raising canes as we did this year, gives us an opportunity to really showcase cheese on chicken. It’ll be interesting to see where that goes raising pain is a chain that Gen Z population they love this restaurant chain is fast food service chain. And I think it’s important for us to understand that this is a good opportunity for us to put cheese on chicken, see how this goes. And maybe this will transfer to the other chicken festival service restaurants as well.
Scott Wallin 0:46
Hello, everyone and welcome to another episode of your Dairy Checkoff podcast. I am Scott Walker with dairy management Incorporated, and I am part of the farmer communications team here at BMI and I will be your host for today’s discussion on the very checkoff results so far, very happy to be joined by two of our former leaders. First we have Alex Peterson. He is a Missouri dairy farmer and serves as chair of the National Dairy board and we also have Marilyn Hershey, she farms in Pennsylvania and is the chair of the AMI. What start with a little bit of what’s a day in the life for a chair, what’s your main responsibilities? Tell us a little bit about what you do out. So let’s get started with you as chair of NDB.
Alex Peterson 1:26
So the National Dairy board obviously represents the five cents that every single dairy farmer contributes as a part of their 15 cent promotion, checkoff. It’s my role to make sure that the interests of all dairy farmers are represented at the national level program, especially as that filters through DMI back to uda to the grassroots on both sides of the organization. So really, I take it as my duty to make sure that the money is well stewarded well spent, and that all of our programs are timely and, and some of that is just having a good pulse for what’s going on the business side, but also what’s going on on the grassroots side, the farmers side. And I know National Dairy board isn’t as particularly grassroots as uda side. But we do represent every corner of the country and I think it’s important that those farmers to kind of reach out to their local grassroots and continue to bring the message back to front of mind to what’s going on.
Scott Wallin 2:25
Maryland. Same question for you. Let’s talk a little bit about serving as chair of DMI and what does that entail,
Marilyn Hershey 2:30
as Alex talks about the national program we also have the local side the 10 cents, and what DMI does is bring the 10 cents and the five cents together. So we are one program one unified marketing plan and there’s less duplication, we can have larger partnerships we can have stronger programs because we have the 10 and the five cents coming together as one dairy management incorporated the Dairy Checkoff is both of those boards coming together. DMI is not a board in its you know, there’s not extra farmers with DMI it is the local board members on the national representation and then the National Dairy board, representatives both coming together and I will tell you, you know when we’re in a boardroom, you don’t know who was who everybody kind of blends together. It’s not National Dairy board on one side, uda on the other. There’s not conflicts back and forth, you know, are we representing uda? are we representing national it really is looking at the program as a whole and being able to make decisions that move us forward with more efficiency.
Scott Wallin 3:36
We were all recently out in the Denver area, October 25 26th. For our joint annual meeting that we do with National Milk Producers Federation 750 People are there many, many farmers from across the country? I thought the meeting went very well. But I would love to hear some insights from both of you on some impressions. Maybe you took away from the meeting, maybe a little bit about farmers Senate. What did you see out there in Denver,
Marilyn Hershey 3:58
milk prices high, so farmers were happy, but really still getting good questions on what’s happening with the program. We made some shifts left last year with Barb taking over as CEO because I got many comments from farmers about how they are thankful they’re grateful for the direction that we’re going. They like the vision that Barb has they like the path that she is leading us down? I think it’s good. I think farmers feel heard, which they should if they have questions, they should be able to come to staff and ask them and I think having staff available for two, three days in a setting like that it helps farmers know that the questions they have the concerns they have the ideas they have they’re being heard.
Alex Peterson 4:41
I would just add, Marilyn, that I think situations like annual meeting really demonstrates to the grassroots farmer, that what we do is promotion is hire really good people to come up with a really good strategy and that farmer fingerprints are on it the whole way. Whether that’s you, Neal and I, as chairs kind of has that first line of defense, but really our officer team and our DMI board, have a lot of advice and consent on every step of the way, as this program comes to fruition, I think Barb’s first 100 days where she really went on a listening tour. I think that signaled a very strongly that we are an organization that is by and for farmers. And I think that’s important to keep front of mind being farmers, we have a lot going on on our side of the farm gate. And so it’s important to bring these experts in and bring in expert opinions and hire really good people. Because when we go to the Domino’s, the world or the Amazons of the world, or even just in the countryside, we really need to have the A team, especially when you go internationally, I know Maryland as you’re going up on the end of this kind of international tour, as you go and represent us internationally. Just like you’re the at Maryland, of our DMI, Farmer representation, we need to have the A team on both sides. And I think that’s critical for moving forward and, and really representing what is a phenomenal industry the best we can.
Scott Wallin 6:12
So with the year wrapping up, and it is just so hard to believe how fast it’s gone. We want to do maybe a little bit of a lightning round thing here where I’ve got five areas of check off strategies, and we’d love to have each of you make some comments on these five areas. And then obviously, we’ve got some more questions, but we’d love to get into some of the things from this past year. And here’s some insights from you. The first one would be consumer marketing. And I think when we talk consumer marketing, you can’t have a conversation without mentioning Gen Z. But what start there what do you see from the checkoff this year related to consumer marketing.
Marilyn Hershey 6:44
So you really have to shift and be nimble as we look at that Gen Z population because they don’t make purchasing decisions. The same as traditionally has been done over the years. They care about the company, they care about the business. They care about the values and the morals of who they’re purchasing from. And they have questions and concerns whether it’s sustainability or workplace environment. They care about how our company is coming together, they’re going to care about the path the checkoff is taking. So I think it’s important that we continue to look at consumer habit, the way they want to purchase things, I think it’s important that we listen, once they find out once they understand our values and the direction we’re going, they understand the nutrition. That is the nutritional value we have in milk, they’re behind us, once they understand we care and that we have a strong sustainability message they care about us. So I think it’s very important that we continue to go down that path.
Alex Peterson 7:40
And shared values is that’s the key to building a relationship. And as we build relationships with consumers, we hear them loud and clear how important sustainability is to their purchasing decisions. And I think it doesn’t take very long for us to realize how much of a shared value we have with the Gen Z consumer, in that we absolutely care for our animals and care for the land. And the steps we’ve already taken as an industry resonates so well with Gen Z. And the fact that we’re still making working to make progress in what we do continues to build on that credibility. And you talk about functions like having Mr. Beast with 100 million YouTube subscribers, like the number one YouTube content creator partner with us not just once, a year and a half, two years ago, but willing to come and do it again, he’s at the level where he only partners with people that he believes in and that he believes what they’re doing. And he’s got a philanthropy leg to his business as well. So the fact that he was willing to partner with us again says a lot. And not only that, but drives content there for a while this video that was recently released was the number one number one video on YouTube, which is, I don’t know if you know this, that’s insane. How many how many eyes that brings and how much credibility that brings up but the sustainability is so key to what we’re doing. And I think it’s important. As a farmer early on, I think I probably had the same sentiment that a lot of farmers have, but you kind of cringe when they say sustainability. If you’ve listened this podcast, we spent a couple podcasts talking about what is the definition of sustainability and how Nestle defines it and how we define it and how the rest of the industry defines it. But I think distilling it down to the core is a value that we share and the consumers resonate with completely and I loved that part of annual meeting we got to introduce Laurie Captain who’s kind of the new the new face of sustainability at DMI and promotion. And she laid out what I thought were like three beautiful clear pillars of what we our role in checkoff is for sustainability. And that’s finding solutions, finding partners and I think most importantly, what resonates with farmers is being able to identify those proof points, so we can take care Got it for what we’ve been doing. But also know what advances are in research, how to measure those and make sure that they’re good investments and they work not just for the consumer, but they have to work at the farm level, they have to be financially sustainable and good investments. That’s a lot of where we need to go is show that improvement. We don’t need to be perfect. Today we’ve every farm doesn’t need to be perfect. But as an industry and as a growing industry have a great opportunity to apply new technologies to apply new innovations and to continue to get better. What stay
Scott Wallin 10:30
on that sustainability track Maryland the year that was for checkoff, and sustainability saw an awful lot of partners come to the table to support farmers goals on farm, what did you take away from this year related to sustainability?
Marilyn Hershey 10:43
Two things First of all, when you talk to farmers sustainability means how do I stay in business? So how does my farm continue from one generation to the next? And how do I make sure that my farm is economically profitable, so that the next generation can sustain this farm as well. So when you’re talking to farmers, their mind is, is talking about sustainability in that way, when you talk to the buyers to the Nestle’s the knowns, the Unilever’s, the Hershey’s, you know, it is a totally different set of metrics. And so I think it’s important that both sides understand where the other ones coming from, I think it’s important that we know that farmers have solutions and some of these solutions farmers have been doing for decades. And farmers are always in a in a mindset where I need to be more efficient than I was last year, I need to make improvements make this farm more efficient and more profitable than it was last year. Some of those best practices that we have been doing, are are considered, you know, in that sustainability bucket, where that’s a good practice that that farmers need to be credited for. But I think it’s very important that we continue to go down the path where we are looking at best management practices, how do we how do we credit that back to the farmer? And how do we give them a starting point, it’s important for consumers to know that each year we’re making, we’re making progress, we’re finding new solutions in Starbucks and Nestle’s case and their work that they have been doing on farms here in the United States where the project that we have, they’re testing out new technologies, and I think we have to be able to continue to find those new technologies that will work on farms, and then scale them back. So they’re going to work on every size operation, every farm is not going to be able to do everything. But every farm can do something, we need to find that sweet spot for every farmer.
Alex Peterson 12:34
And I think adding that Marilyn, I think maybe the simple key to all this is what and what we’ve been pushing towards is helping the supply chain downstream and consumers realize the farmers are the experts on sustainability. And let us help the consumers and up chain let us help you understand what actually works in practice, what actually works financially, what actually works in delivering positive change. And whenever those groups realize that we are the experts in what’s going on in a lot of ways, then we have that avenue ahead of us that we can kind of dictate at the correct pace for improvement. I think that’s critical too.
Scott Wallin 13:16
As we go forward as demonstrating that we are the experts in sustainability. Let’s move into another area partnerships. And I know we think food service automatically with partnerships and the Partnership for the Dairy Checkoff go far beyond food service. But this from a partnership perspective. This year, we had the mayo collaboration, we’ve touched on some of the sustainability partnerships. And obviously we had, we did have some exciting food service News announced that annual meeting related to the chicken and cheese posts that we’ve been on for some time now. Marilyn, let’s start with you. From a partnership perspective in 2022. What kind of jumped out at you
Marilyn Hershey 13:50
what jumped out at me was 80% of the chicken sandwiches across the country do not have cheese, that’s a huge opportunity for us. And so choosing a partner, like raising canes, as we did this year, gives us an opportunity to really showcase cheese on chicken. It’ll be interesting to see where that goes. Raising pain is a chain that Gen Z population. They love this restaurant chain is fast to service chain. And I think it’s important for us to understand that this is a good opportunity for us to put cheese on chicken, see how this goes. And maybe this will transfer to the other chicken fast food service restaurants as well.
Scott Wallin 14:29
Alex, how about you for 2022 partnership successes, what made an impression on you this year?
Alex Peterson 14:34
I think the Mayo Clinic is a huge opportunity to bring what you know I may see as unnecessary credibility because I think the science we’ve done is extremely credible. But in the eyes of public that sees bias no matter where they look, I think having one of the most credible medical institutions in the world, look at what we’ve done and collaborate with us to bring that fundamental science forward when you look Getting butters back on Time magazine that took, like a generation of research. And part of what we do is dairy is invest, we have to be able to stay alive this quarter. We want to stay alive this year. But we also as Maryland said, we want to pass farms on the next generation promotions to say we need wins today. We need to make sure we’re setting the stage for wins and success mid term. But then long term, we’ve got to invest in these long term partnerships that aren’t going to see a return this month or this quarter. But this decade, the end of this decade, we need to be building in wins that are coming in. And partnerships and collaborations like mayo, I think are ones that that are setting the stage going forward for what needs to be done. And people want to partner with us because we do good work. And because our product is so key and fundamental to the diet of the world. I think it’s a great relationship both ways.
Scott Wallin 15:56
Yeah, no question. I mean, Mayo is very selective about the types of people that they want to bring to the table. And I think that century long reputation that National Dairy Council has built mattered an awful lot to them. And, you know, we credit our dairy farmers for over 100 years ago for having a vision of building a National Dairy Council. And that led to where we are today, I want to kind of shift to exports. Now both of you have roles within the US dairy Export Council, and you’ve had opportunities to travel abroad with the US Dec team and really be ambassadors for us dairy in some of these markets where we’re seeing lots of progress. Let’s talk a little bit about the year that was for exports,
Marilyn Hershey 16:35
consistency is key and relationships are equally as important. And one thing we try to do once a year US dairy Export Council will take a farmer mission trip to a country that we are exporting to a country that we’re looking to build that relationship with. It’s really interesting, because you know, our focus a lot of times is cheese. That is we have tremendous opportunity with the cheese markets, not just the block cheese that we have exported for a very long time. But we’re talking about the artisan cheeses, the specialty cheeses that maybe countries will focus and kind of drift toward the European market to find these quality cheeses. But knowing and understanding that they can get quality cheeses from the United States, it kind of opens up that market. So last year, we went to Dubai, a group farmers were in that amazing city where food service over 90% of their food is imported. So huge opportunity and we have a strong presence there. In that Middle East North Africa region. This year, we went to Chile, and totally, totally different market. There’s a lot of opportunity there for us. We have some cheese there. But there is more opportunity that we have to get some shelf space in there retail. So we work with culinary schools, these young chefs that are coming through the schools will understand how to cook and how to cook with American cheeses and the American cheeses that are available for their restaurant needs. We work with influencers where we had a day in Chile, where the collective five influencers were there represented more than a million followers. And I’ve started following them on Instagram and they are true to their word. They are talking about us Jesus. And so I think it’s important for us to find that that niche, it’s not one way it’s not one certain way that US DAC is looking to get cheese into a market. But there are several different things, several different areas and angles that US DEC is hitting it, we have to have consistency in the export market. If the country is looking for a certain kind of cheese, they have to know they will consistently get it from US markets. As we look to grow our dairy business here in the United States. I think we have to make you know, we have to realize that a lot of that growth opportunity is coming from the export market.
Scott Wallin 19:04
You know so much credit to Chris to heart and for leading us dairy Export Council. She also spoke at annual meeting and I thought one of the things that made a good impression on a farmer’s wish she had two of her colleagues who literally are embedded in some of these countries around the world. There was a lady there from Lebanon and a gentleman from Mexico. And here how they are in these countries representing us dairy was just really I thought impactful. I want to move on to our final part of this five subject area which is schools.
Marilyn Hershey 19:32
It’s up to that person. So we have employees in Middle East North Africa. We have employees in South America and we have employees in Southeast Asia, there are employees planted that really strengthen they are the people in those areas. They’re not traveling back and forth to Middle East, North Africa, that is their region and that’s where they focus and that’s where they were. One of the things we do when we go on these trips is to meet these people. And I think that’s one of the highlights that I have enjoyed the most on these trips is meeting the people meeting our employees who are working on our behalf, I’m never disappointed in an employee that I have met, just wonderful to meet them, and to know that they are working on our behalf. And I
Alex Peterson 20:13
would say and I think we’ve ramped up at a perfect time. I mean, obviously, as my uncle would say, the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, I think the best time for USA exports is right now, especially as parts of the world that are major exporters, you’re number one and number two in the world are the EU and New Zealand. And both of them are constraining supplies, and are looking at no growth or negative growth and production. And so these customers around the world as their potential imports, dry up from certain parts of the world, we want to sure be there to say hey, look at our product, and be represented there and not not even give them the choice of of switching from dairy to some other type of product. But to go from wherever they’re importing dairy products from currently to USA, cheese, USA powders, USA dairy products.
Scott Wallin 21:08
When we talk Gen Z, these are the students that are in those classrooms right now. We have a captive audience with them lots of exposure and opportunities for dairy. You know, we’ve seen some progress this year with smoothie programs going into schools. What stood out to you, Marilyn, from a school’s perspective this
Marilyn Hershey 21:22
year, we did some studies last year, on schools using different types of platforms to get milk into the hands of kids, schools is an opportunity for us, we have had challenges with school meals, whether we’re talking taste, whether we’re talking cold versus warm, whether we’re talking availability, I think COVID has shown us that our food chain is more vulnerable than we ever realized it was it is a challenge for us. And we have to get this right. Our kids deserve to have milk that tastes good. They deserve to have milk that that they want to go back and get a second glass and we know the value of that nutrition that is in milk. And we have to get this right, I’ll just say there is a tremendous amount of opportunity there. For us to get the right milk in front of the kids DMI is right now is kind of pausing taking a step back, doing an assessment on school milk trying to look at the school milk overall, from start to finish, and how can we meet the demands for the children that are in the classroom today,
Alex Peterson 22:30
it’s important to note that school meals and the food program that comes to through the school system is so critical to a nation that is full of hungry kids that just don’t get the food that you would expect kids to get and how we’ve heard so many breakfast programs that have taken off especially the last couple of years, there’s been a little turmoil for a variety of reasons. But especially going forward, those breakfast programs, lunch programs and summer programs, I think are critical for the so many students that are food insecure in this country. It’s important that as it always has been the dairy has a strong presence and a good foothold and continues to support those programs. And making sure that dairy is because it is that wholesome nutritious cornerstone of the MyPlate. And then it continues to be there and be there in a delicious way.
Scott Wallin 23:22
You both get this question from your peers around the country and how do we know the Dairy Checkoff is working? What are the proof points that you share? We talk to farmers to let them know the things that they’re investing in are making a difference and delivering a result? What do you say to them?
Alex Peterson 23:40
I say to them, that the per capita consumption of dairy products was up again last year to 667 pounds per capita of dairy products. And that’s the highest since the 50s, the 1950s. And we would say oh, that’s, you know, whatever was gonna go up anyway, look at all of the money being spent by our competitors, to push us out of the grocery aisle to push us out of QSR. Everybody wants us out. They want us out of coffee. They want us out of the grocery cart, but we have held her own and not only holding her own, we’ve gained ground. And I think that doesn’t happen without a consolidated concerted effort by dairy farmers through their promotion.
Marilyn Hershey 24:26
I think our science and our research is so critical. We are using our six research centers that are across the country. I know farmers use them a lot of small cheese makers will go through a cheese making class and that’s done at one of check offs, research centers. We’re doing research on milk doing that in North Carolina. Our board is actually going there in February to see that firsthand and to hear from the experts there. There’s a lot going on. Some would say that there’s a lot of arrows being thrown at us right now. And you know There are but we have to be we have to continue to be on the offense, not defense, we can’t just be deflecting arrows we have to prove we have to have the proof points that we know that our milk has more nutritional value. Then the other alternatives that are trying to push us out when you look at ounce per ounce, the nutrition the ingredients, milk is far above anything that comes down that nutritional pipeline. So I think it’s very important for us to continue to hold the ground. It’s important for us to be on the offense with science. Let’s get quick or science let’s get more in depth science and show people firsthand that the health and wellness powerpack food that they can get is endearing. That sounds
Alex Peterson 25:46
like a teaser for 2023 Maryland. There you go.
Scott Wallin 25:50
More than come on that next year. What’s good, let’s go there a little bit about the vision for the future. You know, at annual meeting we did hear from BB about a bit of a refreshed strategy. Give us kind of a an insider’s view from the board room about what is what is the vision for the future look like for checkoff?
Marilyn Hershey 26:09
We’re actually looking at that right now. We’re putting together teams to look at the future. What does the future of checkoff look like? You know, one thing we’ve done this may seem like a small thing, but for younger people who are on the board, like Alex, they don’t want to travel all the time, there’s no reason to go to five, six meetings a year that are face to face, let’s save some money. Let’s have some efficiency with our meetings. And let’s do some virtual we’re doing three. And that’s the most we’ve ever done virtually, we could get things accomplished on screen. No, it’s not the same as being face to face. So you still have to have a couple of face to face. But when we’re trying to get that younger voice in our boardroom, they have young families, they have commitments at home, but they don’t want to travel. So we have to be able to accommodate that and offer when we are face to face, we offer that zoom option if they can’t come to the meeting, but also let’s have some of those meetings face to face. And in doing that, we’re able to have some of those younger voices in the boardroom. We have to take a step back and which what we’re doing and let’s take a look at the checkoff program overall. And let’s see where it is that we can be more of a modern checkoff than what we were 2025 30 years ago.
Alex Peterson 27:28
I think it’s important as Maryland’s kind of alluded to earlier how nimble we’re going to have to be as promotion, the world the markets, consumers can change on a dime, and not that we would ever compromise. Our values are who we are as dairy farmers. But sometimes the accent that you inflict on what you’re communicating consumers has to change. And sometimes even the vocabulary has to change, even though it stays true to who we are as farmers. But being nimble as a promotion. Organization, I think is going to be critical as we go forward. And, and some of that is is what Marilyn was saying how we meet his boards, we can be more nimble there, especially if it frees up working dollars to invest in, in all these great programs we’ve talked about so far today, but also finding new ways for a farmers of all stripes to get their fingerprints on on what promotion is doing. Because as Maryland I have found farmers that really look at what we’re doing get involved, they come to appreciate all the hard work that’s going on and the successes that we have. And I think it’s important for farmers that are maybe they are promotion, skeptical. Come and take a look at what we’re doing. And honestly, if you have a better way to do it, we are all ears because that’s exactly what we’re here to do. And that’s what we are as farm representatives to take the best possible options and implement them for the whole injury industry sake. That’s a bunch of people that are really trying to get the work done. And if you want to share it help share the load. Maryland, I would love to let you carry some of the load. Well, let
Scott Wallin 29:08
me ask you, is there just one thing, when you look ahead, that’s got you’re most excited about the future? One thing
Marilyn Hershey 29:15
is hard. You know, I could say partnerships. Yeah, but I’m also excited about exploits. I’m excited about where we’re gonna land in school milk. I’m excited about the opportunities we have in science. We have some amazing things happening in science right now that we have patented, and we’re excited about the next couple of years. And so it’s hard to pinpoint one thing, Scott,
Alex Peterson 29:39
I’m excited for demand to continue to increase. And in a real nerdy economic way I would I want it to get more and more inelastic. So when that price goes up, people keep buying it.
Scott Wallin 29:53
Both of you have mentioned other farmers who may be asked questions of the checkoff and I do I think to your point, maybe one of the best ways is to get involved. What do you say to farmers about maybe stepping up and taking a leadership role? Maybe whether it’s locally or nationally? How can somebody get involved?
Marilyn Hershey 30:12
I think you find that you find that board member that’s serving currently. And when national their board side, there’s term limits. And so we’re always looking for National Dairy board applications. Every year, we’re looking for new applicants to apply, get your name and talk to your cooperative your dairy cooperative with have information on on when your area will come up as meeting, national representative, and they can help you get started. And on the local side, you know, look up the local board members, look up their names, find a representative and tell them or find them employee of the state and region and ask them how can I get involved? How can I become more involved? It doesn’t even just have to be a board member. There’s a lot of different ways that state and region a local promotion will use dairy farmers in different ways. Definitely get involved. And there’s always times that you can come on the board.
Alex Peterson 31:09
I think Maryland’s exactly right just raising your hand to your state and regional to the National Dairy board, application process nomination process to your co op and saying, Hey, I’m here. I’m available here the here are the skills and abilities that I’d like to bring. I would tell you, Scott, probably half of the people that have been co hosts on this podcast, haven’t been board members. They’re just active local farmers that we know that have a good voice that have through the years raise their hand and say hey, I’m willing to serve and maybe Maryland had put them on a committee or they’ve served their SNR in some way. And there Esther said, hey, this person is really good.
Scott Wallin 31:51
If farmers want to learn more about the Dairy Checkoff. What resources do you share with them,
Alex Peterson 31:55
first of all, us dairy.com And then Dairy Checkoff. podcast.com, which I’m sure we’ll put in the links in this podcast so you can get to him. But either of those places I think is a great first touch point, first resource. And there’s more ways to connect through that. But of course, subscribe to this podcast. It’s the best 2530 minutes a month you can use to do your part to keep an eye on what promotion is doing because this is your Dairy Checkoff. As the podcast is so aptly named, it’s kind of all of our duty to do this and you know, Maryland, I have kind of got our hand raised a little higher, maybe we thought it would to support it, but I’m happy that that’s happened and we’re happy to serve. And I’m glad they’re not just us, but I’m glad there are many good farmers out there that have dedicated a lot of time and effort to making this checkoff what it is today.
Scott Wallin 32:53
We appreciate all the time and leadership both of you and all the other board members put into guiding the direction of the Dairy Checkoff. I know it takes an awful lot of of your time. So thank you for that. And thank you for your time today. I will say goodbye until next time, have a great day.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
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